30 January 2023

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? – Does age matter? Can you take up a new sport the older you are?

When you are young and decide to start a new sport,  it is accepted that you don’t know much but you can be coached as you have time on your side. I know Rugby is advertised as a sport for all,  however if you get to a certain age, do clubs and coaches have the

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? – Does age matter? Can you take up a new sport the older you are? Read More »

Friends – you thought you never wanted but ended up needing and never looking back.

So this week its all been about the tv programme “Friends Reunion”. For me, I cant lie, I loved that television series and was only around 21 years old when it was released. Every Friday night, I would sit down in front of the television to watch channel 4 at 9pm,  desperate to get the

Friends – you thought you never wanted but ended up needing and never looking back. Read More »